Archive 11th July 2013

Distracted Driving and the Dangers

Let me start by telling you about an experience I once had when I was driving home from work. It was dark, the roads were wet and I was travelling on a standard road which wasn’t busy. There was a car in front of me which was travelling at the speed limit (like me). What happened next appeared to take place in slow motion.

There was a van parked in the road ahead of us and, as I watched I thought “this driver is going straight up the back of that van unless he slows down now”. To my horror, he crashed straight into the back of the van. Of course, I immediately stopped and rushed over. The driver seemed a little shocked, but otherwise OK. I asked if he needed any help and he said he would be fine.

One main thought sprang to mind after this little incident which could have been a lot worse if we had been in busy traffic or, he was travelling far quicker than 30mph. What was this person doing that caused them to miss a transit van parked right in front of him So much so; he ended up hitting the back of it.

There were two conclusions:

  • He had been drinking alcohol and his reactions were not what they should be.
  • He took his eyes off the road.

The first point is something the police would obviously have to work out, the second however, is what we call distracted driving and it can be very dangerous indeed.

Reasons Why You Might Be Distracted

If you’re travelling alone, the following can easily happen:

  • You decide to change the CD your currently playing in the car. This involves not only taking your eyes off the road, but your hands off the wheel (even if it is only one).
  • You’re head is turned by an attractive person or something happening on the street.
  • You decide to answer your mobile phone without using the hands-free kit. In actual fact, answering your mobile when driving can be considered a distraction anyway.
  • You go looking for a map because you’re lost.
  • Possibly one of the worst distractions is Sat-Nav systems that have a visual display. These are (in my opinion) a constant distraction. You may not realise it, but you will be able to see the map at all times out of the corner of your eye, and it’s very tempting to look at it.

If you’re travelling with passengers:

  • Talking to someone for the most part is OK, and we all do it. However, you can be tempted to look at them.
  • If you have kids in the back of the car it’s tempting to look in your rear-view mirror when you talk to them (also a distraction).

What Can Happen

The majority of accidents on the road (fatal or not), are caused by distracted driving. It takes a split second for something to go wrong. Imagine that you’ve just looked down at your mobile, look up again and a cyclist is in the path of your car or, worse a child!

Keeping in mind how distractions can cause accidents is something you should think about every-time you take to the roads. It could save your life!

Advanced Driving Tips for New Drivers

So, you’ve passed your driving test, the party has been enjoyed by all and the hangovers are a thing of the past (if you’re over 18 of course)! In the cold light of day, you suddenly realise that you can get into a car without a qualified instructor next to you. Yes! You’re on your own!

Many say that learning to drive and taking the test at the end can be one of the most stressful things a young adult can do. However, your journey has only just begun. You will now be armed with enough knowledge of the roads so you’re deemed safe to handle a car as set out by the rules according to the UK Government.

I remember when I passed my test and a colleague at work (who was a good deal older than me) commented that now was when I actually learn to drive. He wasn’t far wrong. You see, it doesn’t matter if you passed your test first time with flying colours or, it took you a few times to get it right. Those first time jitters will still surface.

For that reason we’ve decided to give you a few tips on what to look out for that you may not have picked up while you were learning:

The Basics

When you were still learning, you will have had to go through a theory test and, this will have involved recognising certain hazards that can appear on the road. Unfortunately, this cannot prepare you for every eventuality and neither can this article but, there are few hazards below to watch out for that you might come across:

  • People parked in stupid places that obscure your vision for oncoming traffic – in this instance SLOW DOWN, stop if you have to. What you will learn are that other road users are more than happy to help. If someone is coming the other way, they might stop with a gap large enough for you to pass through.
  • Lines of parked cars along a road can be a potential hazard. Again, speed is the main thing to watch out for here. Children especially don’t always have good road sense so; keep your eyes peeled for anyone jumping out in front of you.
  • Cyclists are something-else you should think about and that’s why you have both rear view and side mirrors. USE THEM; they could save someone’s life (as well as yours). Cyclists are not always easy to spot so make sure you’re fully aware of what’s around you before you use a junction or roundabout.

How to Handle Other Road Users

It’s a sad but true fact that we all pick up bad habits once we grow more confident about our driving skills. This is why you should always treat everyone-else on the road as if they were new at the whole “driving game”. All sorts of things can happen. People may stall their car at traffic lights which could cause a small prang if you’re too close. People don’t always indicate when they’re about to turn off so, again keeping your distance is the safest thing to do.

This is just a small portion of the things you should look out for – keep your eyes peeled for more information on advanced driving tips.

Speeding Myths for New Drivers

When you first start to learn how to drive, the biggest telling off you’ll more than likely get from your instructor is NOT to speed. When you’ve passed your test and you’re deemed fit to drive a car on your own, what’s the first lesson you forget? Yes! Sticking to the speed limit, even if you’re shaking your head as you read these words, just think about it for a moment? There are times when you will have broken the limit even if you’re not being reckless.

Today, as a new driver, you’re going to learn about some of the things you think might get you off the hook when in fact they definitely won’t!

1. There Were No Signs Indicating a 30 MPH Speed Limit

The only time 30mph speed limit signs are required is when it may change along a particular road. For example, if you’re allowed to drive at 50mph but then it’s reduced to 30mph you will know this by a sign. However, this lower limit is in place when there are street lights at the side of the road and they’re at least 200 yards apart so don’t think you’ll get away with this excuse if you’re stopped!

2.The Police Officer Was Not Wearing a High-Viz Jacket

This really is pushing it a bit far. If you receive a fine through the post telling you that you were caught speeding when a police officer was using detection equipment and he/she was not wearing a high-viz jacket, this will not go down well with the court. There are recommendations in place about this but it won’t stop you being fined.

3. The Picture Taken by a Speed Camera Wasn’t Me

This is probably one of the most common excuses the courts receive when drivers are contesting a speeding fine. It might be true, you could have leant your car to someone-else and they were photographed speeding. However, this system is in place purely to measure the speed at which a vehicle is travelling and not to identify who it was.

No matter who was behind the wheel, the registered keeper will be responsible for paying the fine. So, for all you youngsters out there, watch out when Dad says you can take his car for a “spin”!

4. There Should be Two Police Officers Present

This is NOT the case (except when you’re on the motorway). You may think that it’s your word against theirs but, the law is there for a reason and becoming a police officer takes a lot of training and hard work. Once they are qualified, the law is on their side. This means a speeding offence can be handed out by just one officer by simply corroborating what he/she has to say by looking at their speedometer.

So, there you have it….

There are loads of other reasons that people think they can’t be “done” for speeding and nearly all of them will not hold any weight in court. The fact is, if you know you’ve broken the law by speeding, you should accept your punishment and be more careful in future.

Beating Road Rage

Our website is full of information on how you can successfully learn to drive (among other things). However, today we want to give you some information on what seems to be an ever increasing buzz word on the roads and that’s “road rage”.

There are all sorts of reasons why this has suddenly become an accepted phrase. Perhaps it’s the increased number of drivers on the road? General traffic congestion or, it could be that we’re all just too stressed out by the time we hit the road.

Whatever the reason, there are things you can do to stop it from happening. We have one question first though. Have you ever lost your temper? If the answer is no, think about it again! Even the most placid of personalities can be stretched at times, and losing your temper at some stage is inevitable.

What Should I Do If I Start to Lose My Temper?

It’s not difficult these days for your blood pressure to start to rise, especially when you’re in heavy traffic. Hot weather doesn’t seem to help either. Many drivers have their windows open and you’re also surrounded by hot metal cars that emanate heat, all adding to the whole “hot and bothered” feeling.

What you have to remember is you’re not perfect, no-one is! Everyone makes mistakes on the road and, even if you’re not in the wrong (on this particular occasion), you should think about implementing a couple of the points below:

  • If you do happen to make a mistake, be gracious. Hold your hand up in an apologetic gesture. This often calms a situation before it starts. As hard as it may seem even if you think you haven’t done anything wrong, you’ll be the bigger person for making the first polite move.
  • Don’t give someone filthy looks because you think they’re being an idiot; just concentrate on your own safety.

What Should I Do If I Think Someone-Else Is About to Lose It?

It’s all too easy to react when someone starts to gesticulate at you. Again, this may seem incredibly unfair because you don’t think you’ve done anything wrong. What you have to remember is this person is probably only going to be part of your life for a few seconds even if it is an unpleasant experience.

The best piece of advice we can give you here is to try and diffuse the situation. Hold a hand up allowing the other driver to think they were in the right to throw that nasty hand gesture your way. Below are a couple of other tips:

  • If you think someone has lost it and they’re weaving in and out of lanes in front or behind you, DO NOT do the same thing, they’ll soon get bored and leave you alone.
  • If you think you’re being followed, go to the nearest and most public place you can find (a police station is always good if you can find one) and park-up.

Above all, don’t rise to the challenge your safety on the road could count on it.

Your Car and Insurance Costs

As a newly qualified driver you will no doubt get loads of advice from all sorts of people. The trouble is that not all of this advice (as well meaning as it is) is something you should follow. Friends might get excited about the sort of car you should purchase and, if you’re in your teens or early 20’s the emphasis is probably more on power and looks than practicality.

If you’re someone new to the world of cars and owning one, insurance is going to be one of the biggest costs associated with your vehicle (aside from fuel) and, the type of car you opt for will have a huge bearing on how much you pay.

Unfortunately, many insurance companies see younger or new drivers as high risk. The reason for this is that to a certain extent you’re still learning and statistics prove that insurance claims are higher from people in your bracket. In the following few words, you’ll find some tips and advice on what you should think about in terms of the type of car you have and how to get the best insurance deal.

Type of Car

Basically, unless you have pots of money (which is unlikely), you are going to be limited on the type of car you can have. The more powerful it is, the more insurance you pay. The more expensive the car, the more the insurance will be. These are pretty obvious points to think about but, when you’re caught up in the excitement of buying a new vehicle, they can easily be forgotten.

Before You Purchase a Car

The best thing to do is to at least have an idea of what your monthly outgoing will be for insurance. If you have your eye on a particular type of car, check out how much it will cost you to insure it. There are various ways you can go about this.

Comparison sites on the internet are a great place to start. Because this is likely to be your first insurance policy, you will need to get an idea of what all the companies out there have to offer in terms of discounts and incentives.

How Insurance Companies Help

You may think companies like this are just out for making money. In fact, these days many of them are also interested in making sure you stay safe on the roads and, there are plenty of ways in which they will help you do this. The safer you are, the less it’s likely to cost you. Below are some incentives to look out for:

  • Consider safe driving schemes. There are insurance companies that will fit your vehicle with a device that measures how safely you drive. The higher you rate, the more discount you receive.
  • Think about taking an advanced driving course that will give you a certificate once completed. This will go in your favour when you’re looking for insurance.

One Other Point

When you’re looking for an insurance company, make sure you take a look at those that specialise in new or young drivers. They will often have many more benefits to a standard policy.

Above all, MAKE SURE you have insurance. Without it, you could end up in a lot of trouble!

Driving Long Distance

Have you ever looked at a lorry driver as you’ve overtaken them on the motorway and wondered just how they manage to drive all day long? Well, if you have then you’d be wrong to think they spend every waking hour behind the wheel, that would just be dangerous and against the law!

Lorry drivers are subject to very strict rules not just in the UK but in Europe as well so, if you’re about to embark on a long journey don’t think it’s as easy as the average “trucker” makes it look. Following are some very important tips on what you should do prior to and during your journey.

Check Your Vehicle

Now, this doesn’t matter if your trip is just a few hours up the motorway or, you’re going abroad. The same applies for everyone:

  • Check the tyre pressure and don’t be afraid to get the manual out for accurate readings.
  • Check the oil levels.
  • Make sure things like your lights and wipers are all working correctly.
  • Your car should be clean – this is important, if you happen to come across the police on the road and they can’t read your number plate, you could be stopped and given a good telling off!
  • For longer journeys, consider putting your car in for a full service.
  • If you’re going abroad, it’s wise to ensure you have the correct insurance paperwork and any other credentials required of you in other countries.

Planning Your Route

OK, so you might be thinking “I have a Sat-Nav, what’s the problem?” Sure, these gadgets are great (most of the time) but, we’ve all heard  the odd horror story so, if you are going to use a device like this take a map with you as well. If you’re going abroad, make sure you have the latest software and it really is wise not to depend solely on your Sat-Nav system.

If there is more than one driver, make a plan of who will drive at what intervals and, for how long. One very important piece of advice here is not to over estimate how long you can safely stay behind the wheel.

For excessively long distances, budget for an overnight stay somewhere. This isn’t a race! Safety is hugely important and driving on the roads abroad will seem very different to the UK. This means more concentration and probably shorter driving times for each of you.

During Your Trip

Keep plenty of water and various snacks in the car with you. It’s not a foregone conclusion that you won’t breakdown so having some essentials close to hand will come in useful. You should also ensure you make plenty of stops and that doesn’t mean just when you need to re-fuel.

Motorway service areas are not just there for petrol, food and toilet stops. They’re called “rest areas” in various parts of the world for a reason! When you do make a stop, stretch your legs and take a little walk. This will stop your muscles from becoming stiff which can affect your ability to drive.

Above all, remember that taking a long distance drive should be fun for everyone but, safety is something you really cannot forget.

Tips on Preventing Drinking and Driving

The tips you’re about to read in the following words come two fold. First of all, you will learn how to become a responsible person when dealing with alcohol when YOU are driving. Secondly, you will learn how to prevent people who are drunk or suspected to be over the limit from driving.

The fact is that we’re all responsible at the end of the day. Tragically, there have been times when people have known someone shouldn’t have got into a car after they’ve had a couple of drinks and there is an accident as a result. Distressing as it is for the person that was behind the wheel, it doesn’t stop the person who knew they should have been stopped from feeling guilty as well.

So, let’s start with what you should do if you’re likely to be tempted by alcohol:

If Going Out in a Group

Before any of you get into the “party mood” you should always make sure you have a designated driver. Who you choose can depend on a few things. Do you know this person won’t throw caution to the wind and sneak a couple of drinks? Is this person known for being able to hold back when it comes to alcohol? Most importantly, can you trust them!

If these questions cannot be answered emphatically, GET A TAXI! This may add extra on to the cost of your night out but what would be worse – killing some poor unsuspecting other driver and or someone travelling with you or, spending a few extra pounds to make sure everyone is safe?

If You’re Not Driving But Someone-Else Is

You should keep your eyes peeled with this one. There are various ways you can make sure someone stays safe without having to hold vigil all night long. If you’re holding a party try a few of the points below:

  • Make sure there is plenty of food for people to eat.
  • Lay on plenty of tasty soft drinks. Try a non-alcoholic fruit punch so people don’t feel like they’re drinking something “boring”.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for car keys when people come through the door. Sure, you might get a few comments about the reasoning behind this but, by the next morning you’ll more than likely receive a phone call or two thanking you for making sure guests didn’t drive.
  • If you’re at a party and you know someone is over the legal limit and have their car keys on them, don’t be afraid to hide them away (they’ll thank you for it the next day).

How to Detect a Drunk Driver

When you’ve had a few drinks yourself and climb into a car, you may not have all of your faculties about you but, there are still some obvious signs that you should stop the person behind the wheel from driving:

  • Driving way below the speed limit.
  • Taking corners far too wide.
  • Swerving.
  • Unresponsive reactions to things like traffic light changes or stop signs.

These are just a selection of the things to look out for. The main point of this piece is to “drive” home how important it is that no-one drinks and drives. Laws are there for a reason and we all know the devastation an accident can cause.

Summer Might Just Be on the Way – Tips on Preparing Your Car

It may not seem like it so far this year but, at some point we will experience summer in the UK. We have posted many hints and tips over the past months on what you should do to keep you and your car safe when you’re out on the road and whilst we do place a heavy emphasis on winter driving, it’s just as important during the summer months.

In the following few words, you’re going to find come handy tips that will help keep your car in good condition when the temperatures are on the rise. These tips will also help to keep you safe as well.

The Windscreen

Having a clear windscreen is of vital importance and this doesn’t just mean the parts that your wiper blades reach, it means ALL of the windscreen. When the weather starts to warm up guess what we get? Yes! Flies! These pesky insects appear to actually make a “bee-line” for your windscreen, especially when you’re driving at high speeds.

There isn’t any driver on the road that hasn’t suffered that horrid splat sound only to find a fly squashed all over the one place on your windscreen you need to see through properly at all times. You can’t stop flies committing suicide on your windscreen of course but, you can make sure what remains of the poor creature comes away without too much trouble.

Make sure you replace your wipers regularly. It’s not always easy to tell when they’re starting to wear (until you hear that terrible squeak) so prevention is better than a cure. You should also make sure you keep the washer fluid well topped up and use a decent detergent that’s made for car windscreens.

Salt and Dust

Salt will be more prevalent during the winter months and we tend to leave washing our cars at this time of year until it gets a little warmer. After all, the rain will wash away the dirt right? Wrong! Your bodywork may look OK as far as the top of your car goes but, what’s going on underneath?

Salt is corrosive and when it gets into the underside of your car, it will quickly start to cause rust. Now is the time to give your car a good old scrub from top to bottom, making sure you pay particular attention to the bodywork underneath.

Dust is another problem. If you have air-conditioning this can get inside (not to mention all the pollen that’s floating around) so, it’s a good idea to make sure you clean any filters you have to ensure they’re free of dust and other small particles that can clog this part of your car up. In fact, this is something you should do on a regular basis throughout the year.


It doesn’t really matter what time of year it is, you should always make sure you keep your car clean on the outside and maintain any internal filters that can get clogged with dirt. The only difference in summer is you’re dealing with slightly different issues.

Nervous About Your Driving Test – We Can Help

So, you’ve been through all those gruelling driving lessons and then one day your instructor turns to you and says “you’re ready, let’s book the test”. What’s your first reaction? Well, it could be any number of things to start with.

You might feel very proud of yourself because the person sitting next to you in the car deems you to be a good enough student that you’re now ready to take your exam. Soon after, the nerves start to kick in and doubts start to make their way into your mind.

It’s very easy to start thinking about all the mistakes you’ve made whilst learning. But, this is not what you should focus on. A qualified driving instructor will NEVER put your forward for a test unless they think you’re ready to pass. It doesn’t do much good for their reputation for a start plus, people who teach others to drive do so for a reason – the sense of satisfaction that they’ve taught someone well enough to go out on the road safely.

When the Nerves Start to Creep In

This is when you should turn those butterflies you’re feeling into something positive. Fear can actually be a good thing (believe it or not). Your body produces more adrenalin when you’re afraid and, in turn, this makes you way more alert than normal.

This means that when you actually take your test, you’ll be far more aware of other road users and what they’re up to. It will also mean you can take things in far quicker which will help.

So, this is the first thing, embrace those nerves!

Leading Up to Your Test

These days, you have to take a theory test before you’re allowed to drive on your own. One of the biggest mistakes people make is to study like mad and try to cram in as much as they can. What you have to remember is you should rely on what your brain has absorbed, even if you can’t recall something right away.

Going mad and asking everyone you know to test you isn’t going to help really. Of course, you should do this but don’t overdo it. Instead, pace yourself. If you know you have say, a couple of weeks before your test, just take a few minutes each day to go over certain things you’re not confident about.

The Night Before

This is possibly the hardest part. The reality that you’re going to be sat next to someone that’s watching your every move can be incredibly daunting so, below are a few points you should consider:

  • Don’t skimp on sleep, if you’re tired the next day, it won’t help.
  • Imagine you’re going out for a drive and if it helps, pretend your instructor is sat next to you.
  • Give yourself plenty of time to arrive at the test centre and aim to be there at least 15 minutes before the test is due to start.

Finally, if you’ve failed before FORGET about it. Remember, thousands of people take driving tests each day and pass with flying colours and you can be one of them!

Dealing With Panic Attacks While Driving

This is actually quite a serious issue and, many people who suffer from panic attacks when driving have ended up giving up using their car altogether because it’s just too stressful an ordeal. This is why we have decided to bring you some information that might help. There are all sorts of reasons why you will suffer a panic attack when you’re driving but, first you should understand how and why this happens.

How to Recognise a Panic Attack

This is possibly one of the strangest things your body and mind will go through. First of all, there are the physical symptoms. You may notice that you start to feel hot and begin to sweat. As the attack worsens your heart rate will go up which also causes your blood pressure to rise. Other physical symptoms you may suffer include shaking and a general feeling of weakness.

Mentally, it’s a pretty frightening experience and we ask you to remember the word “mental” here. You may feel like everything is closing in around you and you have no control over what’s happening. This brings on the “fight or flee” feeling which every human being is programmed with. Once you reach this stage in your mind, it can be pretty difficult to stop the whole chain of events.

What You Can Do

If you think you’re about to suffer a panic attack (and once you’ve had this happen once, you will know when it’s going to happen again) there are a number of things you can do:

  • Don’t forget to breathe slowly and deeply. At this point you may start to experience the onset of your panic and your senses will be heightened which means you’re probably more aware of potential dangers on the road than most people. So, try not to worry too much and (as hard as it may seem), stay calm.
  • If you’ve had this happen to you before try a distraction when you’re driving. This doesn’t mean hang loads of weird looking toys on your rear view mirror (that will just take your eyes off the road). Instead, try putting some soothing music on or, one of the best things to do is get an audio book. These are things that will take your mind off the stress that can start an attack.
  • Stay safe! If you drive recklessly, this will raise your blood pressure and that’s not a good sign as we have explained. Stick to the speed limit, and don’t get upset about what others are doing on the road.

If All Else Fails

If you’re already at that point where you feel you can’t get into your car again, you have to understand that panic attacks occur as a state of mind. This takes us back to the word “mental”. It’s not all in your head, the symptoms you experience are very real but, panic attacks are brought on by association.

For example, if you experienced your first attack because someone suddenly pulled out of a side road, this sort of thing can trigger the same experience again. If you’re truly at the end of your tether, try talking to a professional.

The one thing to remember is all is not lost and you CAN get over this!